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Sunday, 21 August 2011

he is bigger then any person or nation of india

This movement, that is being spearheaded by Anna Hazare, represents rational demands of the general public. And the preemptive incarceration of Anna is an attack on India’s democracy and goes against our cultural ethos.
The Centre, by its action or lack of effective action, is undermining India’s sovereignty. It harks of the Emergency-era. And they’re getting back what they deserve.
The movement has ensured at least one thing — it provoked politicians and bureaucrats into some action.
It was a strong effort and the joint movement that has gone on for over six months now, at least culminated in one version of the Bill being presented.
The movement should be strengthened now to add potency to the Bill and make it effective. It pushed the entire discourse in favour of the people.
The statements coming from the UPA — justifying their own actions and vilifying the protestors — reveal the strength of both the Bill and the people.
There is a palpable anger and yet it is being mocked, ridiculed and put down by those going out of their way to justify the undemocratic incarceration.
This movement is much larger than a particular person or the nation. It is in keeping with the recent global movement spread across many nations, demanding for significant changes and rights of the people. Anna is the symbol of it here in India.
And of course, the month of August is significant in Indian history. It saw the culmination of previous movements by people like the salt Satyagraha, etc.
It saw us gaining Independence too. Once again today, we hope that history is being made in the month of August.
