Strongly defending Anna Hazare's detention, home minister P Chidambaram said that his arrest was a painful duty but there was no other choice. He said the Gandhian was taken into custody after Delhi Police came to a conclusion that he and his supporters would commit a "cognisable offence"
by defying prohibitory orders.
The home minister said after being taken into custody, 73-year-old Hazare was taken to the Police Officers Mess in Civil Lines and he will be produced before a magistrate.
"Police met Anna Hazare this morning and he told them that he intended to defy the prohibitory orders. At that time, police came to a conclusion that he will commit a congnisable offence. They invoked article 107 and 151 of CrPC which calls for preventive measures," he told a press conference.
Chidambaram was replying to a volley of questions on why Delhi Police detained Hazare and his supporters even before they defied the prohibitory orders.
He said around 1,200-1,300 people have been detained across the national capital. Six members of Team Anna Hazare were also detained, he said.
Chidambaram said if Hazare and his supporters were not happy with the conditions imposed by the Delhi Police for their proposed stir they could have challenged it in a court of law.
"They are free to go to court even now," the Home Minister said.
He also ridiculed Hazare's contention that their jan lokpal bill draft has to be considered, saying, "Laws cannot be made by social activists in a maidan."