After being released from Tihar Jail on Friday, anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare's indefinite fast for a strong Jan Lokpal Bill has captivated the whole nation. The 74-year-old veteran Gandhian's fast entered the second day at the Ramlila Maidan in the capital on Saturday (August 20), with thousands continuing to pour in at the fast venue lending support to Anna's cause. Anna launched his indefinite fast on Tuesday, following which he was arrested and sent to Tihar jail for three days. However, the social activist refused to budge and continued his fast while he was in jail. On Friday, Anna shifted his fast venue from the jail to the Ramlila Maidan.
With millions of Indians on the streets pledging support for Anna Hazare's movement & the corruption crusader saying he won't budge from Ramlila -- pressure is mounting on the government.