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Monday 29 August 2011

What will Anna Hazare do till Parliament decides!

What will Anna Hazare do till Parliaent decides!

Anna Hazare is recovering and in couple of days he would be discharged. What next? The man had been in centre of nation's attention and his each activity hereafter would not be the same. The man has lost the life of ordinariness, so dearly guarded by him so far.

celebrities have cost to pay as even their small acts get magnified many times over before an intrusive media which is ever hungry to make mountain out of mole. Hazare is, of course no celebrity in typical sense of the word, yet he values his privacy as every other individual.

Anna knows that undertaken task of strong Lok Pal Bill is incomplete yet. Given the promise handed out to him by the entire Parliament, he would not go on path of agitation soon. Though government has given no time line, Anna would certainly wait for reasonable passage of time before he concludes that government has begun to indulge in delaying tactics.

The intervening period would be tough for Anna as he cannot take up other issues such as electoral reforms. And he can not sit idle as people would not let him do. His legendary status would keep him in sharp focus even if he goes to Ralegan Sidhi, his village, far away from national capital.

Anna had earlier waged many small wars in Maharashtra against Ministers to small time babus. As he fondly tells to media “I have taken five wickets of Ministers so far in Maharashtra. I have nothing to fear and can spend my time in the temple located at the outer perimeter of Ralegan Sidhi with one small room and little articles.”
But he can not take up any other small fight now as his hand is already full with Lokpal and also as his stature has grown to too high.

But would Anna be allowed to spend time quietly in his village? It is doubtful, given the fact that our media is fast acquiring the boisterousness of western paparazzi.  
