Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi met social activist Anna Hazare at his Ralegan home in Maharashtra.
The actor visited the anti-corruption crusader to seek his blessings and also seek his advice on how he could better his social responsibilities as an actor.
He had only words of praise for Ralegan Siddhi, Anna Hazare's home town saying that he didn't feel like he had entered a drought-hit area but felt like he was in a park.
"I am shocked after seeing this village. People used to call this drought-hit region. But coming here I feel I have entered a nature's park," the actor said.
Ralegan Siddhi is considered to be a model of environmental conservation and since 1975, has been led by Anna Hazare.
"We had come here to seek his blessing. It felt nice to meet him. My family and I do a lot of social work and we are associated with a couple of NGOs. Annaji is an inspiration to all of us. He is a fountain of inspiration. He has guided us to make India a better nation. We have to work hard to make India great," he added