The Uttar Pradesh unit of the BJP today said the anti-graft movement of social activist Anna Hazare is most relevant in Uttar Pradesh and the party will support it. "Hazare's movement is most relevant in Uttar Pradesh and the party will back it," state BJP chief Surya Pratap Shahi said.
Advani will kick off his anti-corruption yatra from Sitabdiara village in Bihar's Saran district on October 11 The BJP both welcomes and supports Anna's movement in Uttar Pradesh, said Shahi. Attacking BSP, SP and Congress, he said "all these parties are one on the issue of corruption." The BJP leader said his party would highlight Mayawati's "jungleraj" during the upcoming assembly polls in the state.
Shahi is here to oversee preparations for the proposed rath yatra of senior party leader L K Advani starting from Jai Prakash Narain's native village Sitabdiyara which lies on UP-Bihar border.
Advani will kick off his anti-corruption yatra from Sitabdiara village in Bihar's Saran district on October 11 The BJP both welcomes and supports Anna's movement in Uttar Pradesh, said Shahi. Attacking BSP, SP and Congress, he said "all these parties are one on the issue of corruption." The BJP leader said his party would highlight Mayawati's "jungleraj" during the upcoming assembly polls in the state.